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Monday, February 28, 2011


Thank you Leo Bleicher for turning us on to Mandelbulbs - check it out here

Saturday, February 26, 2011

Get To Know Us - Links To Members Of This Project

If you are a member of this project, have a web presence with your science or art, and would like to share what you are doing send me a few links to let us get to know what you are doing and what you are about.
Send links and titles to: kazmandu at aol dot com

Patricia Frischer:

Kira Carrillo Corser:
Thomine Wilson:

Jason Rogalski:

Leo Bleicher:

Kaz Maslanka:

Our Group At The Calit2 Gallery

Here are some shots of our group taken by Kira Corser from our visit at the Calit2 Gallery and Star Cave.

Star Cave 24 Feb 2011
Feb 26, 2011
by Kay Colvin
View Album
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Kay Colvin made this wonderful selection of photos of our day at Calit2. Many thanks to her for sharing.

Friday, February 25, 2011

Bumper crop of links

After attending the Full Steam Ahead meeting at Art Expression Gallery this week, we have a bumper crop of new links to share.

One of discussion points was the definition of STEAM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts and Math). We now see it more clearly as a placeholder for the idea of interdisciplinary combinations of art and science. That goes under many names and John Eger tackles another in this article for the Huffington Post.

Edward Abeyta, director of Student and Client Services at UCSD has a team working to compile a resource called Steam Manifesto similar to this one and it is worth checking out and following.

Here is some interesting statistics on how the Arts in STEM contributes to the economy.

Dr. Francis X. Kane is quoted here, "Of the two million U.S. Arts jobs requiring significant technology proficiency: 10% are architects; 11% are fine artists, art directors and animators; 7% are producers and directors; and 7% are photographers. The products of these disciplines represent 6.4% of the U.S. economy and over $126 billion annually in revenue from foreign trade." In this same article he mentions TEAM-STEM. Read the whole article on the SteamManifesto site:

SDVAN presented a special tour of
Synthesis: Processing and Collaboration including Virtual Reality installation for the StarCAVE with special guest Tom DeFanti, Director of Visualization and Senior Research Scientist at Calit2. Trish Stone was our tour Director and is the Gallery Coordinator at Atchinson Hall,. UCSD. Kira Carrillo Corser took a group photo of us all while we were there along with some wonderful images.

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

A Day Made Of Glass

Here is a nice little futuristic use of glass from Corning. It is well made and gives us some ideas of how technology will be in every part of our life. Enjoy

Thursday, February 17, 2011

Jordan Crandall, associate professor UCSD, has won this year's Vilém Flusser Theory Award for outstanding theory and research-based digital arts practice. The award is given by the Transmediale in Berlin in collaboration with the Vilém Flusser Archive of the University of Arts, Berlin.

Crandall is being recognized for his essay and lecture/performance titled GATHERINGS 1: Event, Agency and Program. This piece is grounded in research on surveillance and tracking and explores how tracking technology has been incorporated into our everyday lives.

The Vilém Flusser Theory Award promotes innovative media theory and practice-oriented research exploring current and pending positions in digital art, media culture and networked society. Echoing media philosopher Vilém Flusser's unique investigative, cross-disciplinary and analytic approach, the Award is a call to reflect upon, act and challenge the rapidly changing technological and societal conditions that underpin the contours of digital culture.

Held each year in January and February, Transmediale presents renowned artists, scientists and media practitioners from all around the world. The festival includes exhibitions, competitions, conferences, film and video programmes, live performances and a publication series. Transmediale presents and pursues the advancement of artistic positions reflecting on the socio-cultural, political and creative impact of new technologies, network practices and digital innovation. It seeks out artistic practices that not only respond to scientific or technical developments, but that shape the way in which we think about and experience the technologies which impact virtually all aspects of our daily lives. As such, Transmediale understands media technologies as cultural and aesthetic techniques that need to be embraced in order to comprehend, critique, and shape global societies.

Click Here to view the award ceremony and an interview with the artist.

Batelco - INFINITY

I really enjoyed this amazing call for imagination which is beautifully illustrated with amazing digital graphic tricks.


Visions of Science Go Viral

See the International Science and Engineering Visualization Challenge, jointly sponsored by the journal Science and the National Science Foundation. The visualization contest, currently in its eighth year, recognizes scientists and artists who use visual media to promote understanding of scientific research. This model of the HIV virus courtesy of Visual Science Company, is one of the winners in the 2010 International Science and Engineering Visualization Challenge. See more here: Cosmic Log

Monday, February 14, 2011

Sunday, February 13, 2011

Edward De Bono on The Direct And Explicit Teaching Of Thinking As A Skill

Patricia has offered us a link to this article by Edward De Bono - personally I find it facinating - especially the idea that most problems occur due to a fault of perception as opposed to a fault in logic. Ah Ha!

John Cleese On Creativity

Patricia has offered us this video to watch.

Wednesday, February 9, 2011


Hi All,
I just sent out invitations, to all who were at the meeting, to contribute to this blog . If you want to contribute to the blog please accept the invation. If you are having trouble getting set up with google and want help you can contact me and we can set up a time and I can run you through it. It should not take much more that 10 minutes. I also can help train you how to use the dashboard - again it won't take much time to learn the few buttons.



Minutes from Saturday February 5

Minutes Brainstorming for Future Art and Science Project

Sat. February 5 from 3 to 5 pm

2487 Montgomery Avenue, Cardiff by the Sea, 92007

RSVP Patricia Frischer


Darwin Slindee

Michelle Kurtis Cole

Jude Mathis

Kira Corser

Ron Newby

Kaz Maslanka

Thomine Wilson

Naomi Nussbaum

Patty Smith with Mary Cook, Art Bus Xpres volunteer

Jessica McKimmie

Marti Kranzberg

Irene Abraham

Portia La Touche

Cheryl Nickel

Mark Jesinoski

Kaarin Vaughn

Kay Colvin

Richard Rogalski

Aimee Dupuis

Sending regrets:
Trish Stone

Tim Swartz

Greve, Jacqueline

Mark Rodman Smith

Dear Art and Science devotees,

Thank you so much for such a wonderful turn out yesterday. It was exciting to hear all your idea and to share thoughts and dreams. This brainstorming session is the beginning of a journey which I am confident will lead to an exciting and fulfilling promotion between the art and science community.

I have taken all the information and tried to organize it to bring clarity to our discussion. I have even added in some post meeting discussions. (The last wonderful guests left at 8 pm). Please take a look at the following and give us your feedback, your additions and your corrections. Please also spread the word and send me email contact details for those you think would like to be involved in future meetings .For example, we need contacts for California Institute of Telecommunications and Information Technology at the University of California, Calit2 (in collaboration with the San Diego Science Alliance).

We will continue to send emails and give you notice of future meetings. For those of you who are interested the next STEAM meeting it is scheduled for Web, Feb 23 at 5:30. More information will be forthcoming from Jessica McKimmie.

Science = science, technology, engineering, math

Art – visual, performing arts and media arts

Discussion Questions:

How can we involve the corporate world in these projects i.e. what benefits them? In SD there are over 500 tech companies with 50,000 tech employee – green tech, bio tech and high tech)

  1. Creating better Civic images through:
    • community involvement by creating accessibility through entry points
    • creative associations
    • Human Resources enhancement through:
    • drawing good people to the company
    • building the creative economy
    • making employee more motivated and productive
    • Adding the culture of art to the universal nature of science
  1. Audience building through:
    • Conventions
    • Contests
    • Projects/exhibitions which are interactive with multiple senses i.e. touch, sounds, smell
  1. Supplying an art experience for employee
  2. Supplying volunteer opportunities for employees
  3. Supplying projects for outreach to education partners
  4. Creating opportunities for case studies of art and science collaborations and their benefits
  5. PR and advertising awareness for project that are news worthy through:
    • clarity of communication and translation of terminology
    • visual enhancement
    • Propaganda uses i.e. Illustrations increase value and understanding (Example: Great Gatsby first edition $10,000 without cover, $80,000 with cover.)
  1. Supplying an opportunity to create benefits in ways never before used.

The following is the result of the exercise we did with the post it notes on the window. The notes were group organized into three categories, Newness, Process and Exploration.

What is a definition of creativity understandable by both the arts and the sciences?

  1. Definitions focused on Newness
  • Thinking and doing something new
  • The mental state which foster the development of new ideas, methods and/or forms of expression
  • The synthesis of concepts/material/processes that produce new unique concepts or materials or processes
  • Conceiving what never was and making it real.
  • To dream or vision something out of the ordinary.
  • Creativity arises with a unique discover or act.
  • Finding a new way of looking at something
  • Thinking out of the box
  • Doing something or thinking abut something in a way that is new to you, even if it’s not new to others.
  • Innovation that performs function

  1. Definitions focused on Process
  • Problem solving
  • Both process and expression
  • Freedom of thought
  • Creativity is cultural (art) and universal (science) combined
  • The mind operating in a state that is open to ideas and guides a person to demonstrate their thoughts in a new way
  • Taking in to consideration what’s realistic and practical, mixing in the impossible and unforeseen and getting lost stirring the ingredients together. (Cziksenmihalyi or ‘flow” the getting lost, timeless event that occur when you are in the creative process.)
  • Actual expression of imagination
  • Inspiration leading to 1. Setting loose guidelines, 2. Setting them up do that problem solving will be needed along the way. 3. The solving of these problems always leads to the most dynamic results.
  • An expression of culture rooted in time and place
  • An expression of the human need (both conscience and un-conscience)
  • The self-reflective process of individual and culture
  • The process of taking what is and creating what isn’t
  • Taking traditional virtues to represent a unique chapter in advertising and economic history
  • That which results from the proper amount of wine (the better the wine the better the creativity)

  1. Definitions focused on Exploration
  • One result of curiosity
  • The spark of impetus of creation
  • A gut feeling that must be expressed
  • Thinking and doing that generate Ah Ha
  • Eureka
  • The expansion of one’s imagination

What conditions have to be present for the "new" to occur?

  1. Positive attitude, receptiveness to innovation
  2. Atmosphere for freedom of expression
  3. Nurturing environment
  4. Absence of fear of failure
  5. Abundance of information to the point of chaos
  6. Time for reflection
  7. Timing in history i.e. game changing times like right now
  8. Having the will to exercise the right/ability to choose
  9. Ability to see different views of what creativity is and new perspectives
  10. Sense of value of mission (this also makes it worthwhile)
  11. Knowledge that creativity is good business
  12. Ability to identify what is working and what is not – acting as a mirror to reflect reality
  13. Empting the mind of all information to make room for new ideas
  14. Recognition of Polyaesthetics i.e. art as culture, science as universal combined

What are some of the difficulties/obstacles that can be overcome when working with each other across these fields?

1. Both have language difficulties with each other and with the general population

2. Both have situation where they want to collaborate, but hierarchy can be a matter of egos

3. Both struggle with entries points

4. Aesthetics is number one with artists/Accuracy is number one with scientist

5. All parties must be shown respect. No one should be patronized.

Please keep in mind the following criteria when thinking of the SDVAN Art and Science Project.

Explanation: SDVAN Criteria for Project possibilities

  • Has to be fully MERC – aspects of mentoring, education, recognition and collaboration.
  • Should create new audience
  • Should be PR friendly and raise awareness about all participants
  • Must include for profit corporations, businesses, individuals as well as non-profit associations
  • Should display our community involvement
  • Art should stimulate creativity in the sciences and vice versa
  • Expansion of ideas / problem solving should be highlighted
  • Cross pollination of art and science on the individual and association level should be present
  • Guidelines should be positive and enhancing but set some restrictions

Reference: Historical Types of Collaborations

Type I: Artists who collaborate with Scientists on common projects resulting in both the production of art works as well as scientific discoveries.

Type 1a: Scientists working with Artists to develop technological inventions

Type 1b: Artists working with Scientists to appropriate science for the arts.

Type II: Scientists who apply their scientific research to understanding creative activity in the arts in collaboration with Artists and not just using the artists as “subjects”.

Type III : Scientists or Artists with dual careers both as working scientists and exhibiting artists.

Type IV: Artists and Scientists who engage the arts and humanities to improve the ways that the sciences are communicated to the public.

with kindest regards,

Patricia Frischer, coordinator 760 943 0148
San Diego Visual Arts Network
SmART Collector, SD Art Prize, Movers & Shakers, Little & Large,
An amazing visual arts resource website - - offers interactive directory listings and an events calendar. Please join our mailing list . This is the only site designed exclusively for the VISUAL ARTS in the SAN DIEGO region.With over 1700 resources, SDVAN gets over one million hits a year and 4-5000 unique visitors a month.

On Creativity

I have been putting together the links page and really enjoyed this one. I thought I would spotlight it

Charlie Rose interview on Creativity with Eric Kandel, Ann Temkin, Chuck Close, Richard Serra and Oliver Sacks

Monday, February 7, 2011

Links And Catagories

Reference: Historical Types of Collaborations

Type I: Artists who collaborate with Scientists or Technologists on common projects resulting in both the production of art works as well as scientific discoveries.
Type 1a: Scientists or Technologists working with Artists to develop technological inventions
Type 1b: Artists working with Scientists or Technologists to appropriate science for the arts.
Type II: Scientists who apply their scientific research to understanding creative activity in the arts in collaboration with Artists and not just using the artists as “subjects”.
Type III : Scientists/Technologists or Artists with dual careers both as working scientists/or Technologists and exhibiting artists.
Type IV: Artists and Scientists or Technologists who engage the arts and humanities to improve the ways that the sciences are communicated to the public.

Below are some links classified by category.

Category I: Artists who collaborate with Scientists or Technologists on common projects resulting in both the production of art works as well as scientific discoveries.

Kinetica Art Fair
Art and Science Collaborations
Synapse Art and Science Collaborations

Category 1a: Scientists or Technologists
working with Artists to develop technological inventions

Category 1b: Artists working with Scientists to appropriate science for the arts.

Category II: Scientists who apply their scientific research to understanding creative activity in the arts in collaboration with Artists and not just using the artists as “subjects”.

Category III : Scientists/Technologists
or Artists with dual careers both as working scientists/or Technologists and exhibiting artists.

Edward Kac
Edward Kac Genesis

Category IV: Artists and Scientists who engage the arts and humanities to improve the ways that the sciences are communicated to the public.

Glass Sculptures of Viruses
Jonathan Keats
Yonder Biology - DNA art
Asci art show


Biological Images from the Wyss Institute
and Wyss Design Contest
Creativity brain courses - Herrman International


Yves Klein: artist or geoengineer ahead of his time?

Editorials and News:

Professor John Eger is gathering STEAM
Professor John Eger on infusing arts
Art and Science at the Salk Institute
The Crossroads Nation

On Creativity:
John Cleese on creativity
Creativity interview - with Oliver Sacks, Chuck Close, Richard Serra
Edward De Bono on - The Direct And Explicit Teaching Of Thinking As A Skill
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