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Thursday, February 7, 2013

Updates from STe(+a)m


Do you have STE+aM news and events you want to share with the STEAMConnect community? Please send them to and we'll post them on our Facebook page, LinkedIn group and/or the next STEAMBrief.

  • NEA ArtWorks grant open to art/science programs - deadline March 7
  • PBS NewsHour - Call for nominations - Do you know a creative science or math teacher?
  • Kids 4 Broadway STEM/Arts Camp - week-long theatre camp around a new production of "The Inventive Inn"
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STEAMConnect is an organization that provides a forum for community collaboration and a collection of resources to bring a diverse group of stakeholders together including non-profits, education, business, policymakers and our communities. STEAMConnect produces Full STE+aM Ahead, a quarterly networking event, and STEAMBrief, the gateway to all things STEAM. Join us on Facebook and
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